Sunday June 9th
09:30 – 17:00 Location: Van Hall Larenstein Agora 1 Leeuwarden | Working Group “Grazing” The theme of the 8th Working Group meeting is ‘Grazing for AgroEcology’. As well as producing high quality food, grazed pasture-based ruminant production systems offer a range of ecosystem services including economic, ecological, cultural and societal services. The Working Group meeting is set to stand out due to the collaboration in the afternoon with young European farmers that are focusing on the combination of grazing and agroecology ( |
17:30 – 19:30 Location: De Harmonie, Grote Foyer | Registration 30th General Meeting EGF / posters setting up CLICK HERE FOR THE LIST OF POSTERS |
Monday June 10th
08:00 – 10:00 Location: Conference Venue Grote Foyer | Registration EGF2024 / posters setting up | |
09:00 – 10:30 Location: Grote Zaal | Opening Ceremony 30th General Meeting EGF “Why Grasslands?” Agnes van den Pol-Dasselaar (President EGF) and Wiepk Voskamp (President NVWV) ![]() ![]() | |
10:30 – 11:00 Location: Grote Foyer | Coffee Break / Posters Setting up | |
11:00 – 12:00 Location:Grote Zaal | Thema 1 Grasslands, what? ![]() ![]() | |
12:00 – 13:25 Location: Grote Foyer | Lunch, followed by poster session for Theme 1 | |
13:25 – 14:25 Location: Grote Zaal | Theme 2 Grasslands, how? ![]() ![]() | |
14:30 – 16:00 | Parallel theatre presentations Theme 1 Location: Bovenzaal Intake and growth of steers offered perennial ryegrass and perennial ryegrass-red clover silage. Byrne N., Grealis R., Flynn D., Dineen M. and O’Driscoll J. (Ireland) Grasslands’ yield gap and its impact on the contribution to food security of dairy farms. Battheu-Noirfalise C., Mertens A., Curnel Y., Froidmont E., Stilmant D. and Beckers Y. (Belgium) Land-use efficiency of grass-based versus maize-based dairy cattle to protein production in France. Allix M., Rouillé B. and Baumont R. (France) Microclimate, grass growth and herbage quality of peat grassland under free field photovoltaic modules. Zinken L., Hamidi D., Tegtmeyer P., Kayser M. and Isselstein J. (Germany) Greenhouse gas emissions and feed-food competition on Swiss dairy farms. Ineichen S., Elmiger N., Flachsmann T., Grenz J. and Reidy B. (Switzerland) Drought impact on dynamics of red clover and birds-foot trefoil ratio in mixtures. Kemešytė V., Statkevičiūtė G., Čapaitė G., Šidlauskaitė G., Norkevičienė E. and Jaškūnė K. (Lithuania) | Parallel theatre presentation Theme 2 Location: Grote Zaal Ecosystem services of temperate grasslands under climatic extremes: a literature review. Wang Y., Klaus V.H., Gilgen A.K. and Buchmann N. (Switzerland) The impact of limited grazing on milk production and methane emission in dairy cattle. Van De Gucht T. (Belgium), Thys M. (Belgium), Delagarde R. (France), Ampe B.(Belgium), Peiren N. (Belgium) and Vandaele L. (Belgium) The effect of grassland management intensity on earthworms and leatherjackets. Jansma A.P., Hoekstra N.J., Van Eekeren N. and Baars R.M.T. (the Netherlands) Carbon balance in grassland ecosystems: case studies of 35 Portuguese farms. Almeida J.P.F., Mira Potes J., Teixeira A. and Matos C. (Portugal) Can we increase grassland biodiversity by means of renewal without a loss of yield and forage quality? Hejduk S. (Czechia) Permanent grasslands on peat soils managed for dairy production and biodiversity. Bufe C., Ozinga W., Geerts R., Plomp M., Klootwijk C., Veraart M., Bloem J., Schils R., Westerink J. and Kampen J. (the Netherlands) |
16:00 – 17:00 Location: Grote Foyer | Poster session for Theme 2 | |
17:00 – 17:45 | Walk to Welcome reception | |
17:45 – 19:15 Location: Fries museum | Welcome Reception by Province Fryslân |
Tuesday June 11th
09.00-10.00 Location: Grote Zaal | Theme 3 Grasslands, which? ![]() ![]() |
10.00-10.30 | To the buses |
10.30-18.00 | 10.30-18.00: Mid-conference Tours – Grass production in a national bocage landscape – Exploring Wageningen – Innovation Expedition – State of the Art – Frisian Peat Meadows |
18.00-21.30 Location Dairy Campus | Scientific Food Event |
Wednesday June 12th
09.00-10.00 Location: Grote Zaal | Theme 4 Grasslands, where?![]() ![]() | |
10.00- 10.30 Location: Grote Foyer | Coffee break | |
10.30- 12.00 | Parallel theatre presentations Theme 3 Location: Bovenzaal Why and when to give concentrate to dairy cows in a grass-based system? Delaby L., Gaborit M., Leloup L. and Launay F. (France) The influence of defoliation method on perennial ryegrass variety evaluation. Tubritt T. (Ireland), Delaby L. (France) and O’Donovan M. (Ireland) Finding a needle in a haystack: case-control studies can identify measures to prevent weeds in grassland. Klötzli J., Suter M. (Switzerland), Beaumont D. (UK), Kolmanič A., Leskovšek R. (Slovenija), Schaffner U. Switzerland, Storkey J. (UK) and Lüscher A. (Switzerland) Organic manure fertilization effect on phosphorus availability in permanent meadows. Campdelacreu Rocabruna, P., Domene, X. (Spain), Matteazzi, A., Figl, U., Fundneider, A. and Peratoner, G. (Italy) Drying autumn grass to improve protein quality. Van Wesemael D., Van den Bossche T., Goossens K., Vandaele L. and De Boever J. (Belgium) From the Surface to Space: Combining Multiscale Observations of Semi-Natural Grasslands in Ireland. Hayes S., Cawkwell F., Bacon K.L., Lynch Milner O., Halpin E. and Wingler A. (Ireland) | Parallel theatre presentations Theme 3 Location: Grote Zaal Methods and tools to routinely obtain comprehensive insight into the soil health of grassland. Reijneveld J.A., Poot N. (the Netherlands), Holst-Kjellingbro N. (Sweden), Kaartinen M. (Finland), Robinson D. (UK) and Oenema O. (the Netherlands) Validating and improving the Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach (CASA) for remote sensing of perennial grass biomass. Zhang S., Lærke P.E., Neumann Andersen M., Jørgensen U. and Manevski K. (Denmark) Solar grazing – spatial distribution of sheep in free-field-photovoltaic systems on grassland. Hamidi D., Sieve F., Siede C., Wilms L., Zinken L., Kunz F., Kayser M., Hamidi M., and Isselstein J. (Germany) Grazed multispecies swards: herbage production and sward botanical composition in year 4 post-sowing. Dolan K., Hearn C., Hennessy D. and O’Donovan M. (Ireland) Virtual herding: Current trends and future prospects for grazing livestock. Horn J., Riesch R., Komainda M., Riedel P. and Isselstein J. (Germany) Genetics at a landscape level for better conservation of seminatural grasslands in the Karkonosze National Park, Poland. Szymura T.H., Konowalik K., Urbaniak J. and Szymura M. (Poland) |
12.00-14.00 Location: Grote Foyer | Lunch, followed by poster session for Theme 3 | |
14.00-15.00 Location: Grote Zaal | Theme 5 Grasslands, whom?![]() ![]() | |
15.00- 16.00 Location: Grote Foyer | Coffee break and poster session for Theme 4 and Theme 5 | |
16.00- 17.30 Location: Grote Zaal | Theatre presentations Theme 4 and Theme 5 Dairy Campus: Living Lab for biodiversity and precision Agriculture. Ferwerda-van Zonneveld R.T., Plomp M., Walvoort G.A., Migchels G., van Schooten H.A., Oenema J. and Voskamp-Harkema W. (the Netherlands) The role of legume forage crop on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from a boreal grassland. Bhattarai H.R. (Finland), Manninen P. (Finland), Ruhanen H. (Sweden), Wanek W. (Austria), Hallin S. (Sweden) and Shurpali N.J. (Finland) Agro-ecological indicators to assess the effect of grazing at farm level. Looney C. (Ireland), Schetelat S. Caraes C. (France), Krause A., Klinck L. (Germany), Huyghe C. (France), O’Donovan M. (Ireland), Van den Pol-van Dasselaar A., Ankersmit E. (the Netherlands), Peratoner G., Fracchetti L. (Italy), Ramos C. (Portugal), Jitea I.M. (Romania), Nilsdotter-Linde N., Hessle A. (Sweden) and Blanc-Jouvan L. (Ireland) Stakeholder perception of nutrient-poor meadows in the Trudner Horn Nature Park (South Tyrol, Italy). Moser M., Tasser E. and Peratoner G. (Italy) Multi-actor approach to explore information sharing opportunities to promote emission reduction on grazing dairy farms. Browne N., Moloney S. and Hennessy D. (Ireland) Understanding drivers of farmers’ intention to implement livestock protection measures against wolves in Bavaria, Germany. Riesch F., Möck M., Feindt P.H., Zetsche M. (Germany), Gerber N. (Switzerland), van Beeck Calkoen S.T.S., Bojarska K., Herzog S., Balkenhol N. and Isselstein J. (Germany) | |
17.30- 18.00 | To the buses | |
18.00-23.00 Location: Mystery, to be announced during the Conference (region Drachten/Heerenveen) | Conference dinner |
Thursday June 13th
09.00-10.30 Location :Grote Zaal | “Grasslands, why?” ConclusionsVan den Pol- van Dasselaar A., Klootwijk C.W. and Voskamp-Harkema W. EGF Business meeting: – Agenda BM – Minutes BM Closing ceremony |
10.30-11.00 | To the buses |
11.00 | Start Post-conference activities Excursion Aeres Farms to Schiphol Post Conference tour to Flanders |